Inuti → Daglig skapande verksamhet (LSS) i Stockholm


European Outsider Art Association Conference E-Quality 2019

From 24th – 26th May 2019, Inuti is hosting the European Outsider Art Association (EOA) conference in Stockholm and Sala, Sweden. This year’s conference focuses on ‘E-Quality‘. Questions around quality and equality in Outsider Art will be addressed. The conference will focus on inclusion and the importance and challange of building equality in the art world. The EOA’s 10th anniversary will be celebrated with a full program; speeches, exhibitions, workshops, panels, performances, artist presentations, studio visits, site specific art – and of course a party!

Panel discussions will focus on ‘the Artist in Interaction’ and ‘Living Collections’.  Presenters at the conference will include Thomas Röske (DE), Olga Fominykh (RU) Rebecca Hoffman (USA) and many more. Panelists will include Nina Roskamp (DE) Fritz Gronert (NL) and Hugo Karlsson (SE) and all special guests mentioned in the program. There will be performance by Anders Wettler (SE), Kristoffer Ekelund and Jan-Albert Carlsson (SE) and a visit to site specific ‘Little Istanbul‘ by Jan-Erik Svennberg in Sala (SE). Not to forget the Nordic Outsider Craft exhibition that opens on Saturday at Aguélimuséet.

There will also be an opportunity to find out more about Inuti through presentations from Director Kenneth Helén with staff and and artists.

The 2019 conference is aimed at artists, curators and collectors as well as representatives from museums, galleries, collections, art projects and studio groups. A full program of presentations and workshops is available to download here.

For more information about the EOA, see their website.

Warmly welcome from all of us at Inuti!



Lotte Nilsson-Välimaa, Anna Selander and Marianne Schmidt



Day 1 – 24th May, Registration 9.30am at HELIO (Pulitzer room) 17 Rålambsvägen, Kungsholmen,112 59 Stockholm

Day 2 – 25th May, Bus 9.00am from Stadshuset / Stockholm City Hall, Hantverkargatan 1 to Annedal and Agueli Museum, Vasagatan 17, Sala

Day 3 – 26th May, Visit the Studio 9.30am, Annual General Assembly at 10.15am, Inuti Kungsholmen, Parmmätargatan 1, 112 24 Stockholm



Årets konferens har fokus på “E-Quality”. Vi kommer att beröra frågor som handlar om kvalitet och jämställdhet inom Outsider Artfältet. Konferensen fokuserar på inkludering och på utmaningen att skapa jämlikhet i konstvärlden. Vi firar EOAs 10:årsjubileum med ett program fyllt av föredrag, utställningar, workshops, panelsamtal, performances, konstnärspresentationer, ateljébesök, platsspecifik konst – och självklart en fest!

2019 års EOA-konferens riktar sig till konstnärer, curatorer, samlare och representanter för muséer, gallerier, samlingar, ateljéer. Fullt program finns att ladda ner nedan.

För mer information om EOA se deras website.

Varmt välkomna önskar alla vi på Inuti!



Lotte Nilsson-Välimaa, Anna Selander och Marianne Schmidt

Fotografier: Esmé Alexander samt Paulina Sjöberg


Bilagor: eoa_conference_2019_-_intro.pdf eoa_conference_2019_stockholm-schedule.pdf eoa_conference_2019_-_speaker_biographies.pdf eoa_conference_2019_stockholm-summaries_lectures.pdf eoa_conference_2019_stockholm-to_do_and_stay.pdf evaluation_eoa_conference_2019_questionnarie_inuti_2019_1.docx eoa_conference_2019_interview_data_susan_potter.pdf

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